
The Swiss Data Cube is joining the ESA_Lab@Léman initiative led by the Cluster Eau Lémanique in France. We will support colleagues from this cluster and provide information generated with satellite EO data from the SDC. More information on the ESA_Lab initiative:

Sentinel-5P data for studying air pollutants: soon available for Switzerland

The Swiss Data Cube team, in collaboration with the Institute of Global Health and the Institute for Environmental Sciences of the University of Geneva, has started working in ingesting Level 2 data from the Copernicus Sentinel-5P satellite (a mission dedicated to monitoring air pollution). It is a mission dedicated to monitoring air pollution. We will …

Four scientific institutions will monitor Switzerland from space

The Swiss Data Cube (SDC) is an innovative technology that gathers all available satellite images from the American Landsat program and the European Sentinel 1 and 2. UNEP/GRID-Geneva, the University of Geneva (UNIGE), the University of Zurich (UZH) and the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL) have ente- red a new …

Swiss Data Cube Hackathon on SDGs

We are pleased to invite you to join us for a hackathon organised by the Swiss Data Cube team on Sustainable Development Goals. This event is jointly organised by UN Environment/GRID-Geneva and the University of Geneva/enviroSPACE with the support of NASA/CEOS. Registration: please register to the event by filling the following form: More information on the …

Sentinel-2 available in the Swiss Data Cube

Our team has successfully pre-processed and ingested the entire Sentinel-2 A/B archive for Switzerland. This corresponds to approximately 2400 images at 10m resolution covering the entire country for the last 2.5 years. Now, more than 2TB of Sentinel-2 Analysis Ready Data are available in the Swiss Data Cube and complement the already available 33 years …

The Swiss Data Cube consortium The team is expending

After the feasibility study done in 2016 by GRID/Geneva and the University of Geneva, the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment has renewed its support to complete the archive and extend the capabilities. Thanks to this, the University of Zurich (UNIZH) and the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL) has joined …