SnowCover.CH: Monitoring Snow Cover changes over Switzerland using Earth Observations time-series

We have received the good news that the project “SnowCover.CH: Monitoring Snow Cover changes over Switzerland using Earth Observations time-series” has been accepted. This project jointly lead by UNIGE/GRID (Dr. Gregory Giuliani) & UZH/RSL (Dr. David Small) is supported by the UNIGE-UZH Joint Seed Funding. Since mid-December 2017 the University of Zurich and the University of …

First Sentinel-2 Snow Cover Map of Switzerland

Today, we have executed the Snow Observations from Space (SOfS) algorithm that our team is currently developing on the newly ingested Sentinel-2 Analysis Ready Data. The result is the first Sentinel-2 Snow Cover Map of Switzerland. This allows to identify different areas ranging from no snow cover to permanent snow cover during the period April-August …