A new article on snow detection in Switzerland using the Swiss Data Cube has just been published in the Science of Remote Sensing Journal !

A new spatiotemporal NDSI method to maximize snow cover mapping accuracy over Switzerland Using Landsat-8 Normalized Difference Snow Index (NDSI) snow cover datasets from the Swiss Data Cube, researchers from the University of Geneva have investigated the relation snow-NDSI with different environmental variables (i.e., elevation, land cover type and seasons) and evaluate the accuracy of …

A new & historic heatwave affected snow cover in Switzerland – January 2023

A mixed start to the year The year 2023 starts with new temperature records. The lack of snow is felt above 2000 meters leaving the ski resorts without snow. The reason ? Mild air masses from the west and southwest resulted in exceptionally high temperatures, especially in the Alps. According to MeteoSwiss, average daily temperatures for …

5 new data products available

Today the SDC team is pleased to release 5 new data products covering the entire Switzerland for a total data volume of 1.5TB. These data sets are directly available in the SwissEnvEO database. These products are time-series of: Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) Landsat [1984-2021]: https://geonetwork.swissdatacube.org/geonetwork/srv/eng/catalog.search#/metadata/da78fa9f-a756-4538-a28a-8be7d53d4676 Sentinel-2 [2016-2021]: https://geonetwork.swissdatacube.org/geonetwork/srv/eng/catalog.search#/metadata/c491ef64-91b8-42ec-b317-27ce61b4f2c1 Leaf Area Index (LAI) Landsat [1984-2021]: https://geonetwork.swissdatacube.org/geonetwork/srv/eng/catalog.search#/metadata/c5bc0095-4b9d-4a50-9c17-a2e5c08c4c9c …


The Swiss Data Cube is joining the ESA_Lab@Léman initiative led by the Cluster Eau Lémanique in France. We will support colleagues from this cluster and provide information generated with satellite EO data from the SDC. More information on the ESA_Lab initiative: https://www.esa.int/Enabling_Support/Preparing_for_the_Future/Space_for_Earth/The_ESA_Lab_Initiative

Space-Time Visualization

Recently we have made a short demo of the space-time visualisation tool developed by the Swiss Territorial Data Lab (STDL – http://stdl.ch). It allows to visualise a 35 years time-series of false-colour composites generated with the Swiss Data Cube over the Rhone glacier area. And here is the result:

Climate Change in the Alps – Rhône Glacier Melting

The Rhône Glacier is located in the Swiss Alps (Valais) and is known for being the source of the Rhône river, the primary tributary of Lake Léman (the largest lake in Switzerland). This glacier is a perfect example of the ongoing impacts of climate change in the Alps. Increasing temperatures are  gradually melting the ice …

Sentinel-5P data for studying air pollutants: soon available for Switzerland

The Swiss Data Cube team, in collaboration with the Institute of Global Health and the Institute for Environmental Sciences of the University of Geneva, has started working in ingesting Level 2 data from the Copernicus Sentinel-5P satellite (a mission dedicated to monitoring air pollution). It is a mission dedicated to monitoring air pollution. We will …

Launch of the Atlas of Changing Switzerland

Today, for the 10th anniversary of the Institute for Environmental Sciences of the University of Geneva, we are launching an interactive atlas allowing anyone to explore different sites across Switzerland looking at how the landscape has changed over the last two-three decades. This can help visualising and understanding how environmental changes such as climate, natural …